13. Dairy Products, Grocery, Daily Milk Delivery Mobile App with Subscription | Customer & Delivery App

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The newest addition to this on-demand segment is a milk delivery mobile app that enables the users to get milk and other dairy products right at their doorstep. This Milk delivery App system assists the owners to manage the whole system that may include customer management, billing, product management and get the full record through the admin dashboard. Milk production and distribution is a long and lengthy process. We have made it simple for everyone. We have analyzed every step from production to delivery, and then we have developed our unique app solutions milk delivery app with creative UI/UX.

Subscription Model

Different types of monthly subscriptions, such as subscription for those who only need milk, and a separate one for those who order a variety of milk products, is a great feature. This will enable the customers to set a recurring order while they sit back and enjoy the convenience.

What’s included:

- Customer Android App Source Code
- Delivery Boy App Source Code
- Admin Panel PHP Script Source Code
- Database file & Installation Documentation

Admin Panel Demo Access Click Here

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User or email: admin
Password: admin@123
Customer Android AppDelivery Boy Android App
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Customer App Demo Access

Dairy Products, Grocery, Daily Milk Delivery Mobile App with Subscription | Customer & Delivery App - 6
ID 1:
User: 7276465975 
Password: 123

Delivery Boy App Demo Access

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User or email: 7878787878
Password: 123

Daily Milk Delivery – Admin Features:

  • Admin can see the Total City, Total Banner, Total Category, Total Subcategory, Total Delivery Boy, Total Collection, Total Coupon, Total Products, Total Deliveries, Total Users, Total Normal Pending Order, Total Normal Cancelled Order, Total Normal Completed Order, Total Subscribe Pending Order, Total Subscribe Cancelled Order, Total Subscribe Completed Order, Total Normal Order Sales, Total Subscribe Order Sale
  • Admin can create unlimited City with delivery charges
  • Admin can create unlimited App home banners with clickable
  • Admin can create unlimited Category with image
  • Admin can create unlimited Sub Category with image
  • Admin can create unlimited Product with Product Image, Product title, Product Discount, Product Status, City , Product Category , Product Subcategory , Product Variation, Product Price, Product Subscription Price
  • Admin can create unlimited Collection with Collection Name, Collection Image, City, Collection Product, Collection Status
  • Admin can create unlimited Deliveries(For subscription total number of days user required item to doorstep delivery)
  • Admin can create unlimited Timeslot
  • Admin can create unlimited Country Code
  • Admin can create unlimited Coupon Code
  • Admin can create unlimited Delivery Boy
  • Admin can create unlimited Promotional Notification for customer & delivery boy with image
  • Admin can check Normal Pending Order List, Cancelled Order List & Completed Order List where order can accept or reject and Assign to delivery boy with print
  • Admin can check Subscription Pending Order List with number of days to deliver the item, Completed Order List where order can accept or reject and Assign to delivery boy with print
  • Admin can check Customer Information & Details
  • Admin can sent the push notification
  • Admin can mange Customer Wallet & Cash management
  • Admin can check Wallet log
  • Admin can manage edit or change the status or payment method dynamically
  • Admin can change Setting for Payment Method: Cash on Delivery (COD), PayPal, Razorpay, Stripe
  • Admin can change Setting for Notification OneSignal API and Firebase OTP verification API
  • Admin can change Setting for the username and password for admin panel
  • Admin can change Setting for currency($,₹,€,£,¥ etc)
  • Admin can change Setting for Time zone
  • Admin can change Setting for New order SMS Integrated Twilio
  • Admin can change Setting for Signup Credit & Refer Credit
  • Admin can change Setting for logo, favicon, website title for admin panel
  • Admin can change Setting for Privacy Policy, About us, Contact us, Terms & Condition page
  • Fast, Optimized and Powerful admin
  • Beautiful UI
  • High Quality
  • Easy configuration
  • More coming soon…

Customer App Features

  • Easy to Sign up & Sign in with Mobile Number Verification
  • Sign in with Mobile number
  • App Home screen product and category managed by admin
  • Product Details with Images and Product Description
  • Easy to Add to cart and Orders
  • User friendly Payment Gateway(Pickup Myself, Cash on Delivery (COD), PayPal, Razorpay)
  • Instant Notification for Any Seasonal Offer
  • User can proceed Multiple Normal order
  • User can proceed Multiple Subscription order with Quantity Per Day, Repeat (Daily, Weekdays, Weekends), Recharge Deliveries(For subscription total number of days user required item to doorstep delivery), Subscription Start Date, Subscription time
  • User can Skip Days for Vacation mode (If user specific days skip it then all those skip days order money refunded to wallet)
  • - User can Extend Days for Vacation mode (If user specific days Extend it then all selected days extended to next calendar day)
  • User can add / update Multiple Address
  • User can update profile anytime
  • User can check order tracking status with Pending, Processing & Complete or Cancelled
  • User can check all order details info
  • User can cancel the normal order
  • User can User Coupons code
  • User can Use Wallet or Refill Wallet Balance
  • User can Refer & Earn to other Users
  • User can share app with friends and family
  • User can check Privacy Policy, About us, Contact us, Terms & Condition page
  • User can check Notification
  • User can change the Forget Password with Mobile OTP verification
  • User received notification once the order Received, Accepted, Process & Delivered
  • Easy and Understand Design

Delivery Boy App Features

  • Delivery boy can login with mobile number
  • Delivery boy can check all the Normal Pending order / Running order / Completed order list and details
  • Delivery boy can check all the Subscription Pending order / Running order / Completed order list and details
  • Delivery boy can accept or reject the order
  • Delivery boy can cancel the order for reason like Issue with on going order, Payment issue with my order, Address wrong, other
  • Delivery boy can contact the order person with mobile number dial-up
  • Delivery boy can pull to refresh all orders
  • Delivery boy can check all the notification
  • Delivery boy can check profile and update the details anytime
  • Delivery boy can change status with active or inactive
  • Delivery boy can check the Order completed, Total Sales and Cancel order statics(insight)
  • Delivery boy received notification once the admin assign the new orders
  • Delivery boy accept/delivered the order user get notification
  • User friendly and Unique UI

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