41. Green LMS - The Library Management System

Green LMS is a powerful library management system where you can easily manage your library. It has a 25+ feature module and a 6+ report module. It’s a web-based application where you can easily add, edit, update books also you can be issued books easily. you can easily manage to be fined and payment system. At last, Using the all-powerful report module you can get all the information in your library. If you are looking for the best library management tool I hope green LMS is best.

Library Demo Library Demo   Library Management Report

Easily configure your library

Configure Library

Manage Library Book Issue, Return, Fine And Payment

Manage Library Book Issue, Return, Fine And Payment

Multi Theme Support

Multi Theme Support


Front Page

Front Page


Ebook Page


Shop Page

Book Details

Book Detail Page

Contact Page

Contact Page

Multilanguage Support, You can set your language just easily

Currently, we provide four language support, If you want to get support your language on the green library management system. Just Contact us our support at greensoftb@gmail.com

Login Details


Username: admin
Password: 123456


Username: librarian
Password: 123456


Username: member
Password: 123456


Username: customer
Password: 123456

System Required

If You want to install GREEN LMS successfully. Then your server need to have following extension.

  1. PHP Version 5.6 to 7.3
  2. MYSQL 5+
  3. PHP MYSQLI Extension
  4. PHP PDO Extention
  5. PHP CURL Extention
  6. PHP ZIP Extention
  7. PHP MYSQLI Extention
  8. PHP MBSTRING Extention
  9. *PHP GD Extention

Installation Process

  1. First download this script and upload this zip script your web server.
  2. Unzip the script folder in your hosting server.
  3. Then set your server php version 5.6 TO 7.3.
  4. Make sure in script folder index.php and .htaccess file have permission as 644
  5. Make sure in script folder uploads and mvc/config folder have permission as 777
  6. After that you create a database manually using Cpanel or Phpmyadmin.
  7. After that run the install script path from any web browser (http://server.com/install/index)
  8. Then fill up all input field to successfully install this script.
  9. Good Luck!!!

Feature Module

  1. Dashboard (Income/Expense) Management
  2. Book Issue (Fine/Renew/Payment/Return) Management
  3. Member Management
  4. Ebook Management
  5. Book Management
  6. Book Barcode Management
  7. Rack Management
  8. Book Category Management
  9. Request Book Management
  10. Store Book Management
  11. Store Book Category Management
  12. Order Management
  13. Email/Notification Management
  14. Income Management
  15. Expense Management
  16. Rlie Management
  17. Email Template Management
  18. Permission Management
  19. Permissionlog Management
  20. Setting Management
  21. Email Setting Management
  22. Library Configure Management

Report Module

  1. Book Report
  2. Book Issue Report
  3. Member Report
  4. ID Card Report
  5. Transaction Report
  6. Book Barcode Report