Fundme Crowdfunding Platform It is a script for fundraising for various causes, the administrator can add volunteers who can create unlimited campaigns, this script is finished create a community where different people to help those in need either your community or different places.
Demo User: john@doe.comUser Pass 123456URL are disabled in Panel Admin
Built with Laravel 6Bootstrap 4Font Awesome 5IcoMoonRewardsSend mail to OrganizerMembers can create unlimited campaignsUpdates campaignsOption Delete AccountMembers can change their name, email and passwordMembers manage their campaigns and see donationsUpload AvatarChange passwordIntegration with PayPalIntegration with StripeBank TransferXSS: Protection from cross site scriptingSecure Bcrypt password hashingSMTP SupportShare socialMultiple currenciesEasy translationAjax pagination in Campaigns, Donations and UpdatesAdmin Features:
Template AdminLTEChange the site nameChange the site title welcomeStatisticsSet keywords for the site. (SEO)Add a description (SEO)Create/Edit pages e.g.: Help, Privacy, etc.Payments Settings.See DonationsSet up social accountsManage members.Add / Edit members.Manage campaigns.Add / Edit CampaignsRequirements:
PHP >= 7.2.0MySQL >= 5.6BCMath PHP ExtensionOpenSSL PHP ExtensionPDO PHP ExtensionMbstring PHP ExtensionTokenizer PHP ExtensionXML PHP ExtensionCtype PHP ExtensionJSON PHP ExtensionFileinfo PHP ExtensioncURLGD Library
Important: All images used in this demo are solely and exclusively from their owners
Mollie Payment (Not included, sold separately)Razorpay Payment (Not included, sold separately)Instamojo Payment (Not included, sold separately)Paystack Payment (Not included, sold separately)