59. Service Provider App for On-Demand Home Services Complete Solution


Manage Services Provided

The provider mobile application allows users to manage their services.

Also, the app shows customer’s reviews and ratings for each service that they make a booking.


Service Provider App for On-Demand Home Services Complete Solution - 4
User or email: admin@demo.com
Password: 123456

Market Manager
User or email: provider@demo.com
Password: 123456

User or email: customer@demo.com
Password: 123456

Customer Mobile Demo App (FLUTTER / DART)


Customer Account
User or email: customer@demo.com
Password: 123456

Other Customer Account
User or email: customer2@demo.com
Password: 123456

Provider Mobile Demo App

Service Provider App for On-Demand Home Services Complete Solution - 6
Provider Account
User or email: provider@demo.com
Password: 123456

Other Provider Account
User or email: provider2@demo.com
Password: 123456

On-Demand Home Services, Business Listing, Handyman Booking with Admin Panel - 4 On-Demand Home Services, Business Listing, Handyman Booking with Admin Panel - 5 On-Demand Home Services, Business Listing, Handyman Booking with Admin Panel - 6