32. Android Single Hotel Application with Rooms, Gallery, Map & Booking System

Single Hotel App is complete solution of any best hotel App. The Purpose of this application is that you will find all details of Hotel. With this application you will create your hotel application. It makes very easy to check all details of hotel based on your needs. 


Demo Admin


Username: admin
Password: admin

Android Single Hotel Application with Rooms, Gallery, Map & Booking System - 7 Android Single Hotel Application with Rooms, Gallery, Map & Booking System - 8


Android Side

  • Login/Registration features
  • Manage profile feature
  • Get location Of hotel
  • Faq and contact us form
  • Room amenities list
  • Hotel facilities list
  • Room detail with price
  • Hotel social media link option
  • Room image gallery with zoom feature
  • User can write review and see review given by another user
  • User can book rooms and email sent to user and hotel
  • Latest navigationview
  • Rate app,more app and share App
  • Latest ui with material design
  • All device combability
  • Check network availability
  • Admob integrated with banner and interstitial ads
  • Facebook integrated with banner and interstitial ads
  • OneSignal push notification
  • Android studio code
  • Android studio code with latest version 4.0.1

Admin Side

  • Bootstrap 100% Responsive Design
  • Easy Installation
  • User-Friendly Dashboard (Graph Analytics)
  • Manage Categories
  • Manage Rooms
  • Manage Gallery
  • Manage Home Banner
  • Manage Users
  • Manage Contact
  • Manage SMTP Settings
  • App Settings Manage from Admin
  • Manage Notification and Notification Settings

What You Get:

  1. Full Android Source Code
  2. Full Php Code of Server Side.
  3. PSD Design

Note: Payment is not integrated